I am back

And finally, I AM BACK 🎉🥳!!

Everyone was asking: ‘Where is he?’. My grandma asked and even the New York Times wrote a post about my missing, after almost three years without writing any word into this blog, my energies are renewed with a lot of ideas to write a book series just like GoT (just kidding).

A lot happened in the past three years, but the great news that is worth sharing and motor to this new blog era is that it’s been three months since I migrated from Software Engineering to Machine Learning Engineering at QuintoAndar. This role was a long-time desire and now I’d like to explore this world to its maximum, writing about every new discovery and cool stuff here in this blog.

The blog was redesigned, some new ideas are in draft and as you may have noticed, I’m writing in English. So, if you spot some misspellings, some wrong grammar, or even non-sense sentences, please email me I may correct it.

That’s all for today. And for now, I’ll just leave you with the old blog post home page as a nostalgic piece.

Old blog front page

Goggle up, ML is about to happen; I’ll see you in the next post 😉