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Parlez-vous Français?

I'll admit it. It's been a long time since I wrote anything here in this blog.

There were some drafts here and there, but no contents came to light. Now I'm back with a new initiative and news ideias. I now, I now, you've seen this film before. But, at least, I'm trying my best, because a lot of ups and downs happened in my life since january. Anyway, let's stop rambling around here I get to the point.

During March and April in this year, I've spent 30 days in Europe visiting French, Spain and Portugal. It was a wonderful trip and Paris was a special place to be. There, I definely understood the meaning of monument, and hearing french language live was awesome. I've already tried to learn french with Duolingo and Babbel, but coudn't go any further because, I must confess, I can't engage with these apps at all (I'll make a post about that later). The point is: the experince in Paris ignited the desire to roll up my sleeves and learn french once and for all. It is true I don't have any practial reason to learn it, but hey, to learn something new just for the sake of leaning, also counts as something valid to do for yourself. Besides I fell in love with France and I'm looking forward to visit it many more times. And the difference betweeen what I did before and now, when it comes to learn a language, is the approach. Insted of focusing in these apps, I'll leang from contents that I do like! No more phrases without context and repetitive contents.

So, that's my updates for today. See you in the next post. À bientôt!